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To call a telephone number in Budapest from abroad, use international call prefixes. From the United States, you prefix the number with 011-36-1. Dialing 011 summons the international switchboard, 36 is the country code for Hungary, and 1 is the city code for Budapest.

Note the difference in time zones. When it is noon in New York and 9 a.m. in San Francisco, it is 6 p.m. in Hungary. At 6 p.m. in New York, it is midnight in Budapest.

Making a call from Budapest you need to dial 00 for the international switchboard, then the country code (which is 1 for the US and Canada) followed by area code and the telephone number without pauses.

Your mailing address in Budapest will be:

name of student (for LETTERS ONLY)
Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Eotvos University
H-1518 Budapest
P.O. Box 32

name of student (PACKAGES or FedEx, etc)
Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Eotvos University
H-1117 Budapest
Pazmany P. s. 1/C.